FAQs about Year End Statements

  1. How can I get a copy of my year-end statement?
    You may request a copy of your year-end statement by completing the request form.
  2. Why are year-end statements not sent to me automatically?
    Because the year-end statement provided by Stepping Stone School may not be sufficient in the event of an audit, and many of our families use other documentation as proof of payment for tax purposes, we provide year-end statements only upon request.
  3. If the year-end statement provided by Stepping Stone School is not sufficient in the event of an audit, what should I use as proof of payment made to Stepping Stone School?
    The best representation of what you have paid in child care expenses are copies of your cancelled checks, your bank or debit/credit statement, online payments and/or money order receipts, which we would suggest keeping for future reference.
  4. My child transferred to a new campus mid-year. How can I get payment records for the previous campus?
    You may request a copy of your year-end statement for all Stepping Stone School campuses by completing the request form. Be sure to note which campuses your child attended.
  5. There is a discrepancy on my year-end statement. How do I correct this?
    Please see your center principal who can print a copy of your ledger card, review your account with you and assist you in clarifying any discrepancies.
  6. I need the EIN/Tax ID number for my center. How can I obtain this information?
    Our Employer ID Number (sometimes called a tax ID number) is 74-2731457.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is not meant to replace the advice and counsel of a professional tax preparer, CPA or tax attorney. If you have questions regarding your deductions, you should contact a professional to provide you with the necessary guidance.