Planning a Trip? How to Include Your Child and Develop Literacy Skills at the same time!

Spring break is almost here, and whether you’re embarking on a family trip or staying local, it’s a great opportunity to involve your child in planning while also boosting their literacy skills. Here are some tips and resources to make trip planning an exciting and educational experience for your family.

Create a Schedule Together:

  • Sit down with your child and create a schedule for your trip. Use a visual table with time indicators, words, and pictures to help them understand the plan. Let them choose activities they’re excited about and anticipate what comes next during your adventure.

Explore with Maps:

  • Take out a map, either digital or printed, and explore the route from your home to your destination. Discuss the places you’ll visit along the way and the different routes available. Encourage your child to think about distances, travel times, and factors that might influence your choice of route.

Gather Information:

  • Involve your child in researching aspects of your trip, such as the weather forecast, attractions at your destination, and transportation options. Use online resources together and encourage them to ask questions and find answers. This not only enhances their literacy skills but also sparks curiosity and engagement.

Create Checklists:

  • Make packing fun by creating a checklist with your child. Let them write the title and list items to pack or tasks to complete before leaving. Checking off items as they’re packed or completed not only helps with organization but also reinforces handwriting skills and attention to detail.

By involving your child in trip planning activities, you’re not only fostering their literacy skills but also empowering them to contribute meaningfully to family decisions. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to bond and create lasting memories together during spring break. Happy travels!


Age Groups:

Advanced Pre-K

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